4chan: Behavior of an anonymous community

Josh Mills


4chan logo
4chan creator

Users are anonymous

Humble beginnings..

"lunatic, juvenile... brilliant, ridiculous and alarming."

So.. what about 4chan is interesting/important?


4chan anon explanation
4chan example

The 4chan platform encourages free speech and anonymity. What is the result of this?

tor example

Tor can be used for good!

Normal people use Tor

Journalists and their audience use Tor

Law enforcement officers use Tor

Activists & Whistleblowers use Tor

Bloggers use Tor

Militaries use Tor

However, Tor can also be used to allow some pretty nasty stuff to take place

tor example

A part of the Deepnet is accessed through Tor.

deepnet example
tor example

What is the cost of online anonymity to society?

Silk Road


Child Pornography

Does the community develop trust? is it an example of a participatory culture?

Ref image

The Global Village

Does the lack of rules make for the environment and the users and abuse, or did the users mutate the environment to suit them? Was it always this way, or did it evolve?

"When initial opinions among group members differ, source anonymity leads to a lower incidence of counter-normative arguments compared with the identified or participant-anonymity conditions."

Effects of anonymity on behavior in groups

Primed norm socially transmitted

Examples of socially unacceptable behavior:

A user posts live updates to murders while other users cheer him on

Ref image


The hacking group Anonymous

Nude Celebrity photo hack


Is the anonymous platform ethically ‘good’?

Ref image

In my opinion


Postmes, T., Spears, R., Sakhel, K., & De Groot, D. (2001). Social influence in computer-mediated communication: The effects of anonymity on group behavior. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27(10), 1243-1254.

Kahai, S. S. (2009). Anonymity and counter-normative arguments in computer-mediated discussions. Group & Organization Management.
