Cypherpunks: Freedom and the Future of the Internet

Josh Mills



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what is a Cypherpunk?

Fundamental Freedoms


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"Global Village"

No more privacy online

Centralized Architecture

"One of the fundamental things the cypherpunks recognized is that the architecture actually defines the political situation, so if you have a centralized architecture, even if the best people in the world are in control of it, it attracts assholes and those assholes do things with their power that the original designers would not do. And it's important to know that that goes for money."

Moving away from a centralized architecture

Unsolved Problem

decentralized architecture

A poor-man's facebook

Solutions for a Decentralized architecture





"We need free software for a free world, and we need free and open hardware"

"So I think the only people who will be able to keep the freedom that we had, say, twenty years ago-because the surveillance state has already eliminated quite a lot of that, we just don't realize it yet-are those who are highly educated in the internals of this system. So it will only be a high-tech rebel elite that is free, these clever rats running around the opera house."

