Speech Tactons Improve Speech Warnings for Drivers

Josh Mills


Focus of this study

What are speech tactons?

They retain the rhythm of speech and used different levels of roughness and intensity to convey urgency

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How is speech perceived in warnings in terms of its urgency, annoyance, and alerting effectiveness?





Speaking signal words urgently

How to increase richness in tactile cues/warnings?

Vary parameters such as rhythm, roughness and intensity

In this study..

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Three urgency levels:

Level High (LH)

Level Medium (LM)

Level Low (LL)

Experiment 1

A 6×3×4 within subjects design was used with Message, Modality and Design as the independent variables and Perceived Urgency (PU), Perceived Annoy- ance (PA) and Perceived Alerting Effectiveness (PAE) as the dependent ones



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From Experiment 1 it was clear that AT was rated higher in all measures compared to A and T, showing clear evidence of the usefulness of the designed cues when modalities were combined

PA was higher for messages of both LH and LL and lower for LM

Experiment 2


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This study shows that tactile cues can improve responses to speech warnings. This adds to the existing body of work, suggesting en- hanced responses to multimodal signals versus unimodal ones

In terms of Tactile designs..

In terms of Tactile designs..


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Common Themes/What I took away from this..